IT Security Training

Canaudit is a full-service IT security audit and consulting firm. Our mission has and always will be to transfer knowledge, skills and resources, thereby enhancing controls and optimizing network security worldwide. We envision maximum IT security for every organization, and this ideology influences the focus and content of all of our IT security training courses. Just the same, our specialized knowledge and hands-on experience in auditing IT security vulnerabilities permeates through every professional development course we offer.

Established in 1985, Canaudit has played a pivotal role in promoting internet commerce security. One of the first firms to offer network audit services, we have pioneered a methodology that often results in findings that other firms miss. This methodology forms the basis of our IT security training courses. The expertise of our instructors regarding current and emerging IT security threats is an invaluable resource.

Our instructors foster dialogue and the mutual exchange of relevant knowledge that can be utilized to make informed, actionable policy and effective business decisions. Successful organizations help their employees reach their full potential and our courses empower professionals to think critically and hone their IT security knowledge. Our courses are immersive and often hands-on, with plenty of valuable information for security professionals and auditors at every level. Our objective is to provide an improved skill set which can be applied as soon as the course is over to assess organizational IT risk.

Our IT security training courses include:

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